Happy Friday to all! I'm sure many are so thankful for the weekend to be here! For me it's bittersweet. I like the options the weekends bring but my husband works weekends and that just plain stinks and doesn't allow for us to participate in many weekend activities/events. But that's besides the point...happy freedom to those of you that are off for the weekend! :o)
I've got many recipes I want to post and share along with a few other posts I'm working on but for right now this is what I have...."You know you're a mom when"....it's been a long week of sickness and just lots going on and not all great and truly some of the parts of the day make we want to pull my hair out while others make me chuckle pretty hard! So here's my list....
You know you're a mom when....
-you can go days without showering and it doesn't bother you
-you get puked on and still continue shopping even though you can't reach all the way behind you where all the puke is to clean it up (totally happened this week...pretty stellar!)
-going to the bathroom in peace is a luxury you only get if it's the middle of the night..during the day you have about .3 seconds before the door flies open and you hear "MOOOOOOOOM"
-you can see your child is starting to puke and the closest thing to catch it is your hand and you without hesitation stick your hands under their mouth and cup them to catch the grossness that is now being spewed at you
-a hot shower in QUIET is a little taste of Heaven
-you're covered in snot, drool and most likely some more spit up and can share when and where each "spot" happened during the day
-your house can't stay clean longer than three minutes unless it's night and everyone is sleeping
-you hear a flush proceeded by screaming and a loud thump and discover your son is slammed the toilet seat on his well...I think you can figure the rest out. OUCH!
-WHY? is asked 300,555 times a day in your house
-every onject in your house is used as a weapon of some kind
-cereal is an okay dinner
-you've lost entire rolls of toilet paper to your child unraveling it because "I poo mommy"
-you find legos in your boots (ouch!)
-you hear "mom, mommy, mama" any place and turn around even if later you realize your kids are not with you
-7am becomes sleeping in
-coffee is a necessity
-in a store you hear "I need/want that" 1000 times in ten minutes
-you turn the radio up just a bit louder when crying is happening in the back seat
-you've touched more poop in your life than you ever knew was possible
-you've seen the same episode of Barney 26 times in one day
-you find yourself humming or singing songs from cartoons or even your kids toys
And the list could go on and on...I'm sure I'll add more soon. Share your "you know you're a mom" when experiences with me! I'd love to hear them!
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